Sunday, July 20, 2008

Corporations and Global Warming

Occasionally there comes a news series that is so well written, so very important, that it speaks for itself. Back in 2005 Mother Jones published a special project on global warming titled “As the World Burns”. In it they documented how corporations are funding special interest groups to spread disinformation denying the reality of global warming and are working to stop legislation to combat it. This series is a must read for everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Steve Strimer here again. I have been thinking that the term Third Way can have another meaning beyond what you have defined in blog 2. The Third Way of workerownership is also a third way of being in worklife. Traditionally, and fairly thoroughly, one is either a worker or an owner. (The cynical bone thrown workers in their 401Ks and stock options, and most ESOPs does not count here)

Vocational schools and every new worker beginning their working life should be aware of this Third Way of working as a workerowner. I believe the term should be adopted generally and am glad you have staked it out in your excellent blog.

